Notice of the Partial Restrictions on Saturday, August 10, 2024

2024.7.17 [Wed]

With the Firework Festival scheduled in Tokyo, access to the Tokyo City View Observation Deck on the 52nd floor will be partially restricted. Fireworks viewing is not available.
In addition, you may not be able to enter the facilities temporarily whenever crowded.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Saturday, August 10, 2024
* If the Firework Festival gets postponed to the following day (Sunday, August 11), the same measures will also be taken then.
Observation Deck (52F, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower)
Partial restriction measures taken during: 17:00-22:00 (TBD)
* Ticket holders of Observation Deck can enjoy the view, however, we request that you refrain from viewing the fireworks and night view of the area where fireworks are launched.
* Ticket holders of PAUL McCARTNEY Photographs 1963-64 Eyes of the Storm can enjoy the exhibition; however, we kindly request that you refrain from viewing the fireworks as well.
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