Watch the Opposition of Saturn on August 2!

Conducted in Japanese

The opposition of Saturn is the day when the Earth, whose orbit is closer to the Sun than Saturn’s, catches up with Saturn’s orbit and overtakes it.
On this day, the Sun and Saturn are in opposite positions when viewed from the earth. Given that this is a special day, why not have a look at the night sky for Saturn with this in mind?

Date & Time
20:00-21:00, Monday, August 2, 2021 (Last Admission: 20:30)
* Event will be cancelled in case of inclement weather.
* Please come to Sky Deck during hours to join.

* Selections will be made by lottery drawing if there are large numbers of applications.
* Results of the lottery will be sent to each person via e-mail by July 20, 2021.
* Please be sure to read “Our Countermeasures against COVID-19” upon your visit.
* Temperature checks and mandatory mask-wearing (to cover your mouth and your nose) for all visitors are among the efforts we deploy. We will maintain physical distance during the event.

Booking Period
2021.7.5 [Mon] - 7.14 [Wed]
Sky Deck (Mori Tower Rooftop)
Adults 2,300 yen
Students (University/Highschool) 1,700 yen
Children (Age 4 through Junior High School Students) 900 yen
Seniors (Ages 65 and over) 2,000 yen
* Admission fee to Sky Deck is included.
Tokyo City View
Tel: +81-(0)3-6406-6652
E-mail us here
Roppongi Tenmon Club
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